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Office of Student Research and Innovation

Ballon Lauch at APSU
OSRI Mission

The mission of Office Student Research and Innovation is to support the incorporation of research training in the areas of Business, Education, Humanities, Social Sciences, and STEM into the APSU experience as a means to engage, retain, and promote students and their success.

Office of Student Research & Innovation

We are here to connect APSU students with opportunities to conduct research and creative activity. From the application process, to pursuing funding and presenting your findings, we are here to help you every step of the way. You can even apply to receive OSRI funding for your project!

  • To provide specific and targeted information regarding research opportunities for students.
  • To be a resource and liaison for faculty research mentors
  • To attract and recruit outstanding students to APSU
  • To actively seek external private and public funding for student research at APSU and provide inspiration for potential and current donors
  • To support and maintain internal funding opportunities including the Undergraduate Research Enrichment Fund and Graduate Research Support fund Scholars programs
  • To organize the annual Research and Creativity Forum
  • To assess the effectiveness of student research at APSU
  • To expand an underutilized approach to fulfilling APSU's mission and vision

When you hear the word “research,” you might think of lab coats and microscopes but that is not the only kind of research!  Research and creative activity are common in ALL fields of study. Here are a few examples of projects we have supported:

  • Study of alcohol addiction in rats
  • Choreography and direction of a full-length ballet
  • Production of a documentary film about Dorothy Dix
  • Field research on amphibian viruses
  • Study of influences on gang membership

ALL research and creative activity begins with a question. We define student research as: "...a scholarly activity conducted by an undergraduate student that makes an intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline." (adapted from National Council of Undergraduate Research)

Learn more about asking questions >> HERE

Your research project will help you connect with faculty, become immersed in a field of study and gain confidence in your abilities. As you near graduation, you will find it draws a lot of attention from employers and graduate schools.



Office of Student Research & Innovation has three main funding opportunities for students. 


1. Student Travel Award grants: highly competitive mini-grants for up to $1,000 (international travel) and $750 for domestive travel. Read more here.


2. Undergraduate Research Enrichment Funding grants: approximately 10 projects are funded up to $3,000 to support research projects conducted by undergraduates with faculty mentor support. Read more here.

For Students


Looking for Presentation Opportunities?

Want to print a poster?


Need assistance on your project?

Sometimes a research project doesn't go the direction we expect and the next steps are very uncertain.  At these times, it is helpful to talk to someone with a fresh perspective.  You need an expert researcher ...you need a Reference Librarian.


Office of Student Research & Innovation Templates

See our Office's templates for Proposal Submissions and poster designs.