Student Travel Awards
Traveling to academic conferences, research symposiums, and other educational events can significantly enhance a student’s academic and professional development. The Student Travel Awards program is designed to support students in their pursuit of these enriching experiences by providing financial assistance. This guide outlines the eligibility criteria, types of travel that can be funded, general guidelines, and the application procedure to help you successfully secure funding for your educational travels.
Student Travel Funds Eligibility
- Currently enrolled at the time of application.
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.5.
- Gave no record of formal discipline with the University (appeals can be made directly to OSRI Director).
- Not be a faculty/staff member of the University.
- Not have received student travel funding during the previous funding period.
- Completes all the requirements listed under “General Guidelines” below.
What type of travel can be funded?
Travel awards will be funded for only one of two funding periods: All travel requests must be complete by the appropriate deadlines to receive consideration which is 18 November or 30 January (at least 60 days prior to the anticipated date of departure).
Requests can be made for anticipated expenses related to registration, transportation, and lodging only. Travel within North America and the Caribbean is eligible for a maximum of $500. Other international travel requests are eligible for a maximum of $750. Any travel outside of the United States must comply with all APSU policies on international travel. Approved funds will be reimbursed following the trip after 1) submission of the completed travel expense claim form and eligible receipts and 2) submission of the Post-Trip Survey. Failure to follow the guidelines or who do not provide appropriate receipts will not be reimbursed. Please note that OSRI has limited travel funds and makes no guarantees regarding level of travel support. Not all awards will meet the maximum funding eligibility and previous travel support should not be used as an indication of future travel support.
General Guidelines
- Students who are approved to attend a conference/meeting to present research that occurred while enrolled must inform and publish on their work that the research occurred at Austin Peay State University. Students must provide documentation of this notification.
- Student travel funds will not be awarded for travel for classes, programs of study, field trips, job or department travel, job placement or job searches, any type of tuition or payment of class/seminar, personal interest or personal educational, religious or political development, etc. Funds are not available to cover travel which results in academic credit or that is required to complete the requirements for the degree. Funds are for individual student travel, not for student organization travel.
- If you are competing or presenting at an event, you should include your letter of acceptance with your travel authorization and documented expenses. If acceptance is pending you can email the letter to prior to travel for reevaluation of your travel support or attach the letter with your documentation of expenses (preferred).
- Applicants will be contacted by email with information regarding a funding decision.
- All travel requests must be complete by the appropriate deadlines to receive consideration. (at least 60 days prior to the anticipated date of departure).
- Mileage rates are reimbursed at the current APSU rate per mile and distance should be determined using this mileage calculator.
- Complete a Travel Authorization Form including supporting documentation of the costs incurred with travel and signed by you and your faculty sponsor or department chair. Your application WILL NOT be considered for funding unless the online application is completed and the travel authorization form is completed including both signatures, contact name and number and documentation showing proof of expenses, attached and emailed to
- All funds must be requested using the online application form.
- Application Deadlines: November 19 (Oct-Feb travel) or January 28 (Mar-Sept travel)
- Eligible Expenses: lodging, transportation, registration and meal/food expenses only.
Application Procedure Before Your Trip
Please make sure you meet the eligibility criteria before applying for travel grant. Please make sure you adhere to all the guidelines, also make sure you submit your documents in the correct format (pdf) and make sure your documents are signed accordingly where necessary by both the applicant and their supervisor. Please make sure that you communicate with your supervisor effectively before you apply for travel grant. Please do not hesitate to contact OSRI for more information. All applications must be made at least 60 days prior to your intended departure date. Failure to this might lead to your application being disapproved for late submission.
Please follow the procedure below before your trip:
Step 1:
Apply for your travel application online using the application form at the bottom of this page. OSRI will send you a confirmation about a receipt of your application and will create a file for you in anticipation of your documents to support your travel grant application.
Step 2:
After receiving an email confirming the receipt of your application. Please attach all your travel support grant documents listed below in pdf. and email to
- Letter of Support (on departmental letter head) from faculty sponsor detailing the name of the student and expected benefit of travel.
- A travel statement of benefit from the student stating the name, A number, purpose of the trip, location of the venue and duration of travel is also required for a completed application. Please use this statement of benefit as a template.
- Provide documentation of approval of the reason for travel by the hosting party.
- A fully completed and signed by both student and supervisor Travel Authorization Form . Make sure the contact name and contact number is filled in the form.
- A completed documentation of Expected Expenses form. Please fill in all your anticipated expense (feeding, taxi fares, etc) together with incurred expenses and proofs of the expenses (receipts, conference registration receipts, etc.)
- Attach your documents and email your documents (in pdf) to
- After submitting your completed travel support documents, you will receive an email confirming your documents are complete and ready for processing.
- You will be informed about the outcome of your travel application by email and the total amount approved and also a travel authorization number before your trip.
Step 3:
- Fill out the travel survey form within 7 days of your return. Failure to fill out the survey will lead to funds not being disbursed.
- Contact and inform OSRI about your return from your trip.
- The departments concerned about your reimbursement will be informed about your return.
- Inform your supervisor about your return. Submit the Travel Expense Claim form together with all your other supporting documents to your respective departmental administrative office within one week of returning from your trip. All eligible receipts must be included with the claim form. Claim forms will not be accepted without the appropriate receipts. Failure to submit the claim form and post trip survey within 10 days will result in a forfeiture of the funding awarded.
- After completion of your documents being processed you will be reimbursed up to the amount awarded.
- Expenses incurred by the student prior to receiving confirmation of awarded funding are the responsibility of the student.
Students who fail to follow the guidelines for funding or who do not provide appropriate documents and receipts will not be reimbursed.