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University Brand Position

The first step to establishing any type of messaging strategy and supporting tactics is fully understanding the foundation upon which that messaging will be built. Austin Peay State University has put in extensive work as part of its Strategic Plan on identifying and clarifying its core values and its theme of Leading Through Excellence.

Those core values are:

  • Quality
  • Globalization
  • Collaboration
  • Community
  • Innovation

It’s important to understand that while establishing core values is an essential exercise for any college or university, the way those values ultimately are expressed to various audiences is a different game altogether. For example, APSU’s core values of innovation and community are important indicators of what people can expect from the experience we deliver, but when it comes to messaging we can’t simply tell prospective students and their families that APSU is an innovative place with a supportive community. Similarly, while taglines certainly serve a purpose—especially in a culture where gaining even just a few seconds of someone’s attention is becoming harder by the day—it’s crucial that any tagline being used is authentic to who APSU is, relevant to our intended audiences, and memorable.

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