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Call for Presenters

We are looking for dynamic presenters with a desire to inspire and impact rural education leaders and practitioners by sharing their research, stories, resources, and ideas. This year’s theme, “Revisiting our Rural Roots: Supporting Students, Preparing Teachers, and Collaborating with Communities to Influence Excellence in Rural Education,” will focus on collaborating and developing local solutions that are sustainable in rural schools and communities. Proposals submitted by December 13 will be notified of acceptance by January 31, 2020. Final deadline to submit proposals is Feb. 10, 2020.

Submit Proposal Now

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Conference Attendees/Participants

This event intends to provide a forum for collaboration and innovation for rural districts in Tennessee. This inaugural event will bring together a diverse group of practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and education leaders in order to learn, collaborate, and lead learning in rural Tennessee schools.
Rates for Presenters and Participants
$125  Regular Registration(Higher Ed. & Presenters)
$75 Retired Teachers and Graduate Students
$50  PreK-12 Teachers
Undergraduate registrants may attend at no charge

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