Master's Degrees / Graduate Certificates
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics offer a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Computer Science and Quantitative Methods, and a Professional Science Master’s (PSM) degree, also in Computer Science and Quantitative Methods. There are nine areas of study (concentrations) available under the two master’s degrees.
Please refer to the academic bulletin links below for more information:
Master's Degrees Bulletin
Official APSU Academic Bulletins - All Years
- 2024-25 Bulletin - Master of Science (M.S.) in Computer Science and Quantitative Methods
- 2024-25 Bulletin - Professional Science Master’s (PSM) in Computer Science and Quantitative Methods
Graduate Certificates Bulletin
Admission Requirements
The College of Graduate Studies handles all graduate admissions.
For information related to admission requirements or to view the courses within the program, please visit the 2024-25 graduate bulletin. Please choose our programs, as all graduate programs are listed there.
M.S. in Computer Science and Quantitative Methods
PSM in Computer Science and Quantitative Methods
Graduate Teaching Assistant Positions
Work (a maximum of) 20 hours per week for 16 weeks in Fall and 16 weeks in Spring.
Annual stipend: $5,800.
Eligible for a tuition waiver to cover the cost of tuition and fees (approximately $10,000) not to exceed 10 graduate credit hours per academic semester.
Applicant must be admitted to or applying to the PSM or M.S. in Computer Science and Quantitative Methods program.
The College of Graduate Studies handle all graduate assistantship applications.
Please click here to Apply for Graduate Assistantship.
GTA Additional Employment Flowchart
Please note that all GTAs need to follow Tennessee state laws/regulations and US Immigration laws/regulations, when seeking additional employments.
The following two flowcharts are provided to help GTAs assigned to work for Computer Science & IT Department, and Math & Statistics Department ONLY. If a GTA works for another department, please do not use these flowcharts.
The flowcharts do not contain any official / legal information. For official laws/regulations, please refer to the government agencies' websites.
Local GTA (US Citizen, US Permanent Resident) Additional Employment Flowchart
International GTA (F-1 Student Visa Only) Additional Employment Flowchart
For More Information, Please Contact One of the Following:
Dr. Jiang Li, Professor, Graduate Coordinatorfor Data Management and Analysis ConcentrationDepartment of Computer Science and Information Technology, |
Dr. Matthew Jones, Professor, Graduate Coordinatorfor Predictive Analytics ConcentrationDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, |
Dr. Mir A. Hasan, Assistant Professor, Graduate Coordinatorfor Cybersecurity ConcentrationDepartment of Computer Science and Information Technology, |
Mr. Barry G. Bruster, Senior Instructorfor Cybersecurity ConcentrationDepartment of Computer Science and Information Technology, |
Dr. Ramanjit K. Sahi, Professor, Graduate Coordinatorfor Mathematical Finance ConcentrationDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, |
Dr. Jennifer Yantz, Professor, Graduate Coordinatorfor Mathematics Instruction ConcentrationDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, |
Graduate Certificates
2024-25 Bulletin - Data Mining Certificate