Osvaldo Di Paolo Harrison
Languages & Literature
- dipaoloo@apsu.edu
- 931-221-7487
- Harned Hall Room HH 216
Certificate in Race, Gender, and Injustices from Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2008- 2010
- University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Doctor of Philosophy in Hispanic Studies (With Special Distinction).
- Major Area: 19th and 20th Century Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies.
- Minor Areas: Gender and Women's Studies/ Latin American History.
- Allied Field I: 20th Century Spanish Peninsular Literary and Cultural Studies.
- Allied Field II: Medieval Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies.
- http://hs.as.uky.edu/hispanicstudies-dissertations
- University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Master of Arts in Hispanic Studies.
Summer 2008
- Middlebury College. Graduate Study Abroad Program in Guadalajara, Mexico.
- Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN. Teaching Certification: Certified to teach Spanish, grades 7-12 in Tennessee and Kentucky.
- Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN. G.P.A. 4.0, Bachelor of Arts. (Major: Spanish Literature Concentration/ Minor: Education. (GPA 4.0). Summa cum laude.
- National University of Rosario, Rosario, Argentina.
- School of Commerce, Rosario, Argentina. B.S. in Commerce (Bachiller comercial).
Teaching Professional Development
- Webinars
- University of Salamanca
- Inductive Learning
- Real Life Learning
- Learning Strategies
- Cultural and Intercultural Learning
- Social and Emotional Relevance
Confronting Hard Story: Using Primary Resources to Teach Slavery, Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter. Ohio State University.
- University of Salamanca
Quality Matters Certification for Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR) (September 2020).
- Faculty Professional Development Assignment Award / Sabbatical and Research Leave (Spring 2019).
- Promotion to Full Professor (Fall 2018).
- Special Invitation to be one of the three members of the jury to select the winning novel for Concurso de Novela de Crímenes Medellín Negro 2017. http://congresoliteraturaudea.blogspot.com/
- Summer Research Fellows Program (SRFP).
https://www.apsu.edu/news/apsu-professors-di-paolo-harrison-williams-receive-summer-research-grants - Nominated for the Phi Kappa Phi 2016 Scholar & Artist Award
- Recipient of the Socrates Award for Excellence in Teaching, Austin Peay Sate University.
- Recipient of the Richard M. Hawkins Award for significant contributions to scholarship,
Austin Peay State University.
- Summer Research Fellows Program (SRFP).
- Faculty Research Fund Grant (FRFG).
- Initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines.
- Nominated for the Richard M. Hawkins Award for significant contributions to scholarship, Austin Peay State University.
- Nominated for the Richard M. Hawkins Award for significant contributions to scholarship, Austin Peay State University.
- Revitalize Academic Success Initiative Grant (RASI)
- Nominated for the Richard M. Hawkins Award for significant contributions to scholarship, Austin Peay State University.
- Summer Research Fellows Program (SRFP).
- Award of distinction for doctoral dissertation.
- Arts & Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Kentucky.
- Provost Outstanding Teaching Award Finalist, University of Kentucky.
- Department of Hispanic Studies Teaching Award, University of Kentucky.
- UK Latin American Studies Program Summer Travel Grant for Research in Latin America.
- UK Latin American Studies Program Summer Travel Grant for Research in Latin America
- Teaching Assistantship, University of Kentucky
- Best Spanish Literature Student Award, Austin Peay State University.
- Best Advanced Hispanic Student Award, Austin Peay State University.
- Dean’s List, 4.0 GPA, Austin Peay State University.
- President of Faculty Senate (2024-2025)
- Faculty Senate Vi-President / President Elect (2023-2024)
- Parking Citation Committee
- Research Council
- Participated in 3 Conferences at Tennessee University Faculty Senates (TUFS)
- Latino Affinity Group
- President of Faculty Senate
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Rules Committee (Chair)
- APSU Policy Committee
- APSU Calendar Committee
- APSU Hispanic Alumni Club
- College Promotion Committee
- Film Studies Minor Committee
- Foreign Language Committee
- Member of the Editorial Board for Mitologías Hoy. Revista de Pensamiento, Crítica y Estudios Literarios Latinoamericanos (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
- Member of the Editorial Board for Estudios de literatura colombiana (University of Antioquia, Colombia)
- Member of the Editorial Board for Antares: Letras e Humanidades (Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brasil).
- Member of the Editorial Board for La Palabra. This reputable Colombian journal is indexed in Publindex Categoría C, EBSCO Publisher and Latindex. (2013-Present).
- APSU Curriculum Committee
- APSU Calendar Committee
- Department Curriculum Committee
- Vice President / President Elect of Faculty Senate
- Rules Committee
- Job Search Committee for Public Relations, Editor
- Department Scholarship Committee
- Film Studies Minor Committee
- College Promotion Committee
- APSU Hispanic Alumni Club, Vice President
- Worked with Northwest High School teachers and students
- Latin American Studies Curriculum Improvements
- Member of the APSU Faculty Senate
- Academic Red Committee Faculty Senate (Chair)
- Spanish interpreter and translator for Urban Ministry Safe House in Clarksville, TN.
- Spanish translator for Neighborhood and Social Services City of Clarksville.
- Member of the University Curriculum Committee
- Member of the Department Curriculum Committee
- Member of the College Promotion Committee
- Member of the College RTP 2nd, 4th, and 5th year Committee
- Member of the Alumni Standing Giving Committee
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Language Committee
- Member of the Asanbe Diversity Symposium
- Member of the Translation Committee
- Film Studies Minor Committee (Chair)
- Participated in LCRC Book Club
- Wrote peer-reviewed teaching evaluation letter for colleague
- Working with library to migrate electronic record keeping of Senior Exit Portfolios
- Study Abroad Coordinator for the Summer 2022 Study Abroad in Argentina
- Participated in the Study Abroad Fairs
- Tenure/Retention/Promotion Committee at the Department Level
- Advisor for Sigma Delta Pi/ Spanish Honor Society
- Advisor for APSU Spanish Club
- National Alumni Association Chapter Membership/Secretary of the APSU Hispanic AlumniClub
- Chief-Editor of Polifonía. APSU Hispanic Journal
- Member of the Editorial Board for Mitologías Hoy. Revista de Pensamiento, Crítica y Estudios Literarios Latinoamericanos (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
- Member of the Editorial Board for Estudios de literatura colombiana (University of Antioquia, Colombia)
- Member of the Editorial Board for Antares: Letras e Humanidades (Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brasil).
- Member of the Editorial Board for La Palabra. This reputable Colombian journal is indexed in Publindex Categoría C, EBSCO Publisher and Latindex. (2013-Present).
- Attended graduation banquet for Hispanic Cultural Center
- Mentor student publication for Azahares Literary Magazine from University of Arkansas. Paper accepted for publication in April 2022.
- Spanish Interpreter for Urban Ministry Safe House in Clarksville, TN.
- Member of the Hiring Committee for English Education position
- Member of the University Curriculum Committee
- Member of the College Promotion Committee
- Member of the Alumni Standing Giving Committee
- Study Abroad Coordinator for the Summer 2022 Study Abroad in Argentina
- Participated in the Study Abroad Fairs
- Tenure/Retention/Promotion Committee at the Department Level
- Advisor for Sigma Delta Pi/ Spanish Honor Society
- National Alumni Association Chapter Membership / President of the APSU Hispanic Alumni Club
- Chief-Editor of Polifonía. APSU Hispanic Journal
- Member of the Editorial Board for Mitologías Hoy. Revista de Pensamiento, Crítica y Estudios Literarios Latinoamericanos (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
- Member of the Editorial Board for Estudios de literatura colombiana (University of Antioquia, Colombia)
- Member of the Editorial Board for Antares: Letras e Humanidades (Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brasil).
- Member of the Editorial Board for La Palabra. This reputable Colombian journal is indexed in Publindex Categoría C, EBSCO Publisher and Latindex. (2013-Present).
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Language Committee
- Member of the Asanbe Diversity Symposium
- Faculty Advisor for "Explore Your World" APSU Study Abroad Magazine
- Attended graduation banquet for Hispanic Cultural Center
- Member of the College Promotion Committee
- Member of the Diversity &Racial Justice Taskforce at the Department level
- Member of College Diversity Taskforce
- Virtual Study Abroad Argentina Fair
- Book Presentation APSU Hispanic Cultural Center: Femicides in Argentina Through the Lenses of Crime Fiction
- Invited External Reviewer for promotion to Associate Professor for the University of Idaho
- Member of the APSU Commencement Committee
- Member of the Alumni Standing Giving Committee
- Study Abroad Coordinator for the Summer 2020 Study Abroad in Argentina
- QEP Spring 2020 Assessment Committee
- Participated in the Study Abroad Fairs
- Tenure/Retention/Promotion Committee at the Department Level
- Advisor for Sigma Delta Pi/ Spanish Honor Society
- National Alumni Association Chapter Membership / President of the APSU Hispanic Alumni Club
- Chief-Editor of Polifonía. APSU Hispanic Journal
- Member of the Editorial Board for Mitologías Hoy. Revista de Pensamiento, Crítica y Estudios Literarios Latinoamericanos (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
- Member of the Editorial Board for Estudios de literatura colombiana (University of Antioquia, Colombia)
- Member of the Editorial Board for Antares: Letras e Humanidades (Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brasil).
- Member of the Editorial Board for La Palabra. This reputable Colombian journal is indexed in Publindex Categoría C, EBSCO Publisher and Latindex. (2013-Present).
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Language Committee
- Member of the Asanbe Diversity Symposium
- Faculty Advisor for "Explore Your World" APSU Study Abroad Magazine
- Invited to present on Work/Life Balance for the First Year Faculty Orientation Program
- Faculty Advisor for "Explore Your World" APSU Study Abroad Magazine
- Translator of transcripts and divorce decrees for an incoming student from Puerto Rico to present to Financial Aid for FAFSA
- Translator for the Director of Athletics Compliance Office. Translated transcripts form an incoming basketball player from Venezuela
- Member of the APSU Commencement Committee
- Member of the APSU Faculty Professional Development Committee (Sabbatical)
- Invited Reviewer for Hispania. “New Milennium Argentina Noir. Crime Novels in Buenos Aires. New York Press, 2019, by Cynthia Schmidt-Cruz
- Study Abroad Coordinator for the Summer 2018 Study Abroad in Argentina
- Met with prospective students from the Office of Admissions
- Participated in International Night representing Argentina
- Worked on the documentation for the new Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Hispanic Studies
- QEP Fall 2019 Assessment Committee
- Participated in the Study Abroad Fairs
- Member of the College Promotion Committee
- APSU Study Abroad Magazine Faculty Advisor
- Participated in the Hispanic Cultural Center Graduation Banquets
- Tenure/Retention/Promotion Committee at the Department Level
- Advisor for Sigma Delta Pi/ Spanish Honor Society
- National Alumni Association Chapter Membership / President of the APSU Hispanic Alumni Club
- Chief-Editor of Polifonía. APSU Hispanic Journal
- Member of the Editorial Board for Mitologías Hoy. Revista de Pensamiento, Crítica y Estudios Literarios Latinoamericanos (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
- Member of the Editorial Board for Estudios de literatura colombiana (University of Antioquia, Colombia)
- Member of the Editorial Board for Antares: Letras e Humanidades (Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brasil).
- Member of the Editorial Board for La Palabra. This reputable Colombian journal is indexed in Publindex Categoría C, EBSCO Publisher and Latindex. (2013-Present).
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Language Committee
- Participated in Celebration of Scholarship at the APSU Library
- Member of the Asanbe Diversity Symposium
- Participated in Freshmen Convocation Event for the College of Arts and Letters
- Presentation of "The Secret in their Eyes" for the World Film Festival, Spring 2018.
- Study Abroad Coordinator for the Summer 2018 Study Abroad in Argentina
- Judge for the Keys to the World Fall Showcase
- APSU Advisory Committee Member of the Hispanic Cultural Center
- Presentation to the Spanish classes of Ms. Alaina Post at Miamisburgh High School, Lexington, KY
- Met with prospective students from the Office of Admissions
- Participated in International Night representing Argentina
- Peer Review Observation at Rossview High School for Korean instructor
- Member of the Languages and Literature Task Force Rubrics for Merit Pay
- Worked on the documentation for the new Hispanic Studies Masters Program
- Edited the Spanish version of Title VI for Human Relations Office
- Participated in GHOST Hallowing Event representing the Montgomery County Alumni Chapter
- Participated in the International Students Picnic
- QEP Summer 2018 Assessment Committee
- QEP Fall 2018 Assessment Committee
- Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Classics
- Foreign Language Instructor Workshop
- Participated in the Study Abroad Fairs
- APSU Study Abroad Magazine Faculty Advisor
- CoAL Task Force on Service Learning Committee
- Co-organizer of the Hispanic Alumni Brunch.
- Participated in the Hispanic Cultural Center Graduation Banquets
- Advisor for the At-Risk Advising Program
- Asanbe Diversity Symposium Committee
- Tenure/Retention/Promotion Committee
- Advisor for Sigma Delta Pi/ Spanish Honor Society
- National Alumni Association Chapter Membership/ President of Hispanic Alumni Club
- Editor of Polifonía. APSU Hispanic Journal
- Member of the Editorial Board for Mitologías Hoy. Revista de Pensamiento, Crítica y Estudios Literarios Latinoamericanos (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona).
- Member of the Editorial Board for Estudios de literatura colombiana (University of Antioquia, Colombia).
- Member of the Editorial Board for Antares: Letras e Humanidades (Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brasil).
- Member of the Editorial Board for La Palabra. This reputable Colombian journal is indexed in Publindex Categoría C, EBSCO Publisher and Latindex. (2013-Present).
- Reviewer/Editor for A&S Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (Washington University in St. Louis) of "Politicizing the 'gris asfalto' Formula: Representing Crises and Vulnerability in Empar Fernández's Mauricio Tedesco Stories". (December 2018).
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Language Committee
- Invited to give a film screening introduction for the APSU Hispanic Cultural Center. Casa de mi padre (2012), directed by Matt Piedmont.
- Invited to give a film screening introduction for the APSU FIlm Genre Festival: Science Fiction. Eva (2011), directed by Kike Maíllo.
- CoAL Task Force on Service Learning Committee
- Co-organizer of the Hispanic Alumni Brunch.
- Organizer of Tailgate Event. Homecoming 2017
- Participated in the Hispanic Cultural Center Graduation Banquet
- Movie Presentation for the Hispanic Cultural Center
- Movie Presentation for the APSU Film Genre Festival: Science Fiction
- Search Committe for Assistant Professor of clarinet
- CoAl Mission Statement Committee
- Praxis II Workshop
- APSU English as a second language service to the community
- Hawkins Award Committee
- Advisor for the At-Risk Advising Program
- Asanbe Diversity Symposium Committee
- Tenure/Retention/Promotion Committee
- Modern Language Fair, Spring 2017
- Advisor for Sigma Delta Pi/ Spanish Honor Society
- National Alumni Association Chapter Membership/ President of Hispanic Alumni Club
- Editor of Polifonía . APSU Hispanic Journal
- Member of the Editoral Board for Mitologías Hoy Journal
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Language Committee
- Advisor for the At-Risk Advising Program
- Asanbe Diversity Symposium Committee
- Study Abroad Committee
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Language Committee
- Hawkins Award Committee
- Tenure/Retention/Promotion Committee
- Advisor for Sigma Delta Pi/ Spanish Honor Society
- Sigma Delta Pi Initiation Ceremony
- National Alumni Association Chapter Membership/ Vice President of Hispanic Alumni Chapter
- Intenational Night/ Study Abroad Fair Participation
- Editorf of Polifonía. APSU Hispanic Journal
- External Reviewer for SUNY Press
- Member of the Editoral Board for Mitologías Hoy Journal
- Faculty Development Content Camp Participant (July 2016)
- Faculty Leadership Program. Invited Speaker: Teaching and Research March 2016.
- Advisor for the At-Risk Advising Program
- Asanbe Diversity Symposium Committee
- International Committee
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Language Committee
- Advisor for Sigma Delta Pi/ Spanish Honor Society
- Presentation about Argentina at Camp Ernst Middle School, KY
- Presentation about Galapagos Islands at East Cheatham Elementary School, TN
- Presentation for Faculty Development Camp for Montgomery School System Teachers: “An Analysis of Task-Based Learning in the Foreign Language Classroom"
- Representative at the National Alumni Board of Directors Meeting for the Hispanic Alumni Chapter
- Member of the Program Development Subcommittee of the International Committee
- Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED certification
- Learning writing project with Tabernacle Christian School, Clarksville, TN
- Hispanic Cultural Center Anniversary Committee
- Diversity Committee for the College of Education
- Advisor for the At-Risk Advising Program
- Asanbe Diversity Symposium Committee
- International Committee
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Language Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Languages Hiring Committee
- Advisor for Sigma Delta Pi/ Spanish Honor Society
- Cohost for the Alumni Study Abroad reception
- Advisor for the At-Risk Advising Program
- Asanbe Diversity Symposium Committee
- APSU Assessment Committee
- International Committee
- Scholarship Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Language Committee (Chair)
- Foreign Languages Hiring Committee
- Guest Speaker for LING 4020: History of American English
- Organized lectures of invited guest speakers: Dr. Shelley Godsland (Women Crime Writers from Spain) and Mrs. Marisela Ortiz Rivera (From Hope to Femicide: No More Violence Against Women in Juárez)
- Organized a Spanish Praxis Examination Workshop
- Participated in the 2013 Academic Audit Faculty Session
- Participated in the 2011-2012 A Celebration of Scholarship sponsored the Felix Woodward Library
- Participated in the Summer Research Fellowship Program Congratulatory Dinner and presented a summary of current research project
- Attended the Secondary Teaching Licensure Program meetings organized by the College of Education
- Established a new Study Abroad Latin America program in Ecuador
- Advisor for Sigma Delta Pi/ Spanish Honor Society
- Attended the Degree Compass Workshop
- Worked with Mr. Jarad Sneed, a Web Service Specialist, in order to improve the visibility of the Language programs and activities in the Languages and Literature Webpage
- Participated in the 2013 Global Govs Recognition Banquet
- Worked on the three-year plan for a B.A. in Foreign Languages (Spanish Specialization) with Latin American Studies Minor and on the four-year plan for a B.A. in Foreign Languages (Spanish Specialization with Professional Education Minor)
- Participated in a discussion panel entitled “Violence against Women: Femicides in Ciudad Juárez, sponsored by the Hispanic Cultural Center, after the film screenings of On the Edge and Juárez Mothers Fight Femicide
- APSU Assessment Committee
- International Committee
- Foreign Languages Hiring Committee
- Foreign Languages Committee
- Asanbe Diversity Symposium Committee
- Guest Speaker for the Library Athenaeum
- Guest Speaker for the Women’s and Gender Studies Book Talk Series
- Guest Speaker for SPAN 3220 (Phonetics and Conversation)
- Guest Speaker for Summer 2012 Study Abroad Report Back: APSU in Argentina
- Guest Speaker for LING 3030 (International Learning Community)
- Editor of Polifonía/ 2012 Issue
- Advisor of Sigma Delta Pi
- Member of APSU Hispanic Alumni Chapter
- Organized lectures of invited guest speakers: Drs. Eva Núñez Méndez and Alicia Partnoy
- Member of APSU Hispanic Alumni Chapter
- Member of APSU Faculty Search Committee in order to select a new Assistant Professor of German
- Participated in APSU Last Look as faculty representative of the Languages and Literature Department. The Last Look event allows new admitted students to make a final decision about studying at the University
- Worked with H.O.P.E (Hispanic Organization for Progress and Education) and APSU students to promote the Hispanic Culture at Rivers & Spires Festival 2011, Clarksville, TN
- Coordinator of APSU First International Fair of Tourism in the Hispanic Countries
- Presentation at the APSU Hispanic Cultural Center: “It is not All About Tacos: Focus on Argentina”
- APSU Faculty Representative at the Spanish Immersion Weekend at Cedars of Lebanon State Park. Sponsored by the Mid-Continent Consortium for International Education
- Editor of Polifonía/ 2011 Issue
- Advisor of Sigma Delta Pi
- Friends of the Library. Presentation at the Montgomery County Public Library: “Argentine Crime News, Fiction and Film in the Era of Globalization.”
- Guest Lecture for Women in Culture (WS 2050) at APSU.
- University of Kentucky, Hispanic Studies Department, President of Hispanic Graduate Student Association (HIGSA).
- Austin Peay State University, Hispanic Studies Department, President of Sigma Delta Pi
La crisis del sistema capitalista en la novela negra hispana. Editorial Brujas, Córdoba, Argentina. (2022).
Femicrímenes. Femicidios en la literatura del siglo XX y XXI. Teseo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (2020).
Queer Noir Hispánico. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Isla Negra Editores. (2018).
The objective of this book is to recognize the literary corpus of queer hardboiled novels in Spain and Latin America, which continues to be marginalized and ignored. Queer Noir explores the manner in which homosexuality is seen across countries and inside a specific country. The methodology for this project is to study the fusion of hardboiled with other genres, analyze the images of queer detectives, murderers, and victims in relation to major contemporary problems in the Hispanic world and explore how it affects the Hispanic homosexual and the global Latin gay population.
Noir Boricua: La novela negra de Puerto Rico. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Isla Negra Editores, 2016.
This book studies the proliferation of hardboiled ficition in Puerto Rico. From the literary aspect, it explores the representations of the black detective, female detective, gay detective and novels that carry crime as constant variable, but lack the tradicional image of the detective. Furthermore, the book explores the contemporary social issues that the island faces, such as women and children trafficking, discrimination, violence, corruption, inmigration, relationship with the United States, drug trafficking, poverty, and globalization, among others.
Negrótico. Madrid: Pliegos, 2015.This new book focuses on the convergence of hardboiled (novela negra in Spanish) and
Gothic literature. In these texts, terror, horror, fear and crime surface as constant
aesthetical components of the narrative. Especially in contemporary times, hardboiled
and Gothic novels merge homogeneously to transform themselves in “novela negrótica.”
This fusion employs the elements inherent to each genre—detective, criminal, crime
(in hardboiled) and castles, vampires, ghosts, zombies, labyrinths (in the Gothic
novel). At the same time, these two distinct tendencies share similar themes—suspense,
notions of good and evil, murderers, terror, violence, danger, victims, supernatural
characters, marginality, revenge, decadent spaces, ruins, and double identities—and,
in the same text, they emphasize their postmodern union in order to voice the terrors
present in contemporary society. In other words, the generic dissolution of hardboiled
and Gothic coagulates once more in postmodern negrótico. This mutation (1) accentuates
the subterraneous areas that exist behind daily experiences that preoccupied individuals
and society in general, (2) questions fears, believes and prejudices that affect the
social body, (3) presents a somber aesthetics as a result of an anxious and restless
collective experience, (4) awakes morbidity, and (5) eliminates the fear of the “culture
of death.”
Gemidos y explosiones apocalípticas poshumanas: la novela negra y de ciencia ficción
hispana del siglo XXI. Madrid: Pliegos, 2013. Print.Es un estudio comparativo de la novela negra y de la ciencia ficción hispana por medio
de dos conceptos: poshumanismo y apocalipsis. Además de investigar en detalle los
aspectos formales de cada género, se inquiere sobre el virulento desorden social —la
irracionalidad, la violencia, las aspiraciones materiales desmedidas y el desprecio
a la vida humana— el cual termina en el crimen desenfrenado, dejando de lado todo
código ético y la búsqueda de un progreso colectivo. Se explora el sentido catastrófico
a través del espacio citadino en ruinas, la muerte a borbotones, las prácticas espirituales
alternativas y la desesperanza de un futuro mejor que carcome al individuo y lo hace
pensar en la destrucción de su propia existencia. En estos géneros populares, el poshumanismo
apocalíptico se impregna de una ardua crítica social para manifestar el desencanto
proveniente de fallidas revoluciones, dictaduras militares y de la globalización.
Se exhibe la dependencia tecnológica, la desmitificación de la superioridad y el frágil
dominio del individuo dentro de la larga evolución y transformación de la especie.
Cadáveres en el armario: el policial palimpséstico en la literatura argentina contemporánea. Buenos Aires: Teseo, 2011. Print.This book was selected among the top one-hundred Argentine books to promote Argentinian
publications in the rest of the world. Only two books from Teseo were chosen to be
sponsored overseas. The selection was conducted by the City of Buenos Aires, Book
Foundation, Argentine Book Association, Argentine Association of Publications, and
Ministry of Economics. Furthermore, Teseo Press was selected as one of three finalist
for the International Excellence Award under the category "Academic and Professional
Publisher Award", at the London Book Fair in April 2016. Este libro indaga el auge
de la novela negra y del cine negro inspirado en hechos reales desde 1994 hasta el
presente. El resurgimiento del policial coincide con el gobierno de Carlos Saúl Menem
y las medidas de ajuste estructural que se realizan para introducir a la Argentina
en una economía globalizada. La pobreza, la inseguridad y la violencia predominan
en la sociedad argentina y muchas novelas detectivescas, basadas en asesinatos de
la vida real, aparecen en 1994. Consiguientemente, el texto explora la historia de
cada asesinato, partiendo de su nota periodística, e investiga las sucesivas transformaciones
en cuentos, novelas, una serie de televisión y/o un film. Mientras que los reportes
de los diarios sobre los homicidios siguen las tendencias de la prensa sensacionalista,
los escritores y directores de cine y televisión transforman los sucesos, siguiendo
o subvirtiendo las características del policial clásico o de la novela negra. Estas
recreaciones de los asesinatos tienen la intención de denunciar o criticar aspectos
específicos de la sociedad argentina: violencia doméstica, discriminación, estigmatización
y corrupción, entre otros.
Chapters in Books
- “Diversity in Crime Fiction”. A Companion to Latin American Crime Fiction. Swanson Philip (Ed.). Tamesis, Boydell & Brewer. Suffolk, United Kingdom. (forthcoming).
- “Argentine Gothic-Noir Fusion in The Black Vampire.” World Cinema Through a Noir Lens. Eds. Linda Badley and R. Barton Palmer. Edinburgh University Press (2023).
- “Literatura anglófona puertorriqueña: Rebelión, Resistencia y confusión identitaria en el Movimiento Nuyorican”. Puerto Rico entre americanización e hispanidad. Les Presses Univeristaires des Antilles. Translated into French. (2022).
- Justicia y paz en la novela de crímenes. "Autopsia teórica de la paz en la novela negra hispana: humanismo racional y democratización política-económica". Ed. Gustavo Forero Quintero. Editorial Planeta. (2018).
- El policial como transgénero: Procesos polifónicos y transpositivos en prácticas policiales contemporáneas. "El humor y el poder en El complot mongol de Rafael Bernal". University of Villa María Press. (2018). Special Invitation.
- "La evidencia de sus crímenes". Special Invitation to contribute with noir short-fiction in a collection of works by popular hardboiled writers. (September 2016).
- Telling Tales: The Place of Storytelling in Contemporary Spain."Zombis y detectives en la novela bestia y negrótica española del nuevo milenio". Book chapter for Telling Tales: The Place of Storytelling in Contemporary Spain. ACIS. University of Sydney, Australia. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2015.
- Agentes de cambio: Perspectivas cinematográficas de España y Latinoamérica en el siglo XXI. "El negrótico: Nuevas tendencias del cine argentino del nuevo milenio en Malditos sean (2013) de Demián Rugna y Fabián Forte". Book chapter for "La otredad transatlántica: migración, racismo, fusiónde culturas". Agentes de cambio: Perspectivas cinematográficas de España y Latinoamérica en el siglo XXI. Emory University, The Citadel and Salem State University. Madrid: Pliegos, 2014. Print.
- "Vampiros y detectives: el negrótico costarricense como mutación genérica posmoderna en El laberinto del verdugo de Jorge Méndez Limbrick". Víctimas, novelas y realidad del crimen. Ed. Gustavo Forero Quintero. Universidad de Antioquia. Bogotá: Planeta, 2014. Print.
- Estudios hispánicos en el siglo XXI. "La ciencia ficción española del nuevo siglo: poshumanismo apocalíptico en Alaridos de Dios de José Miguel Vilar-Bou”. Ed. University of Belgrado, Serbia. University of Belgrado Press. (2014). Print.
- 13 formas de entender la novela negra: la voz de los escritores y la crítica literaria. “El policial palimpséstico en ‘Caminaré en tu sangre’ de Vicente Battista”. Ed. Gustavo Forero Quintero. Universidad de Antioquia. Bogotá: Planeta, 2012. Print.
- El género negro: el fin de la frontera. “Mujeres homicidas y violencia doméstica en ‘Emilia Basil, cocinera’”. Javier Sánchez Zapatero y Álex Martín Escriba (eds.). Santiago de Compostela: Andavira, March 2012 . 501-11. Print.
Essays and Reviews in Journals
- “La trata de mujeres en la novela criminal escrita por autoras argentinas: La Varsovia y Cornelia”, coauthored with Allen Guillermo Rivas Prado. Revista de Literaturas Modernas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. (Published, August 28, 2024). https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/literaturasmodernas/article/view/8133
- Book review of Crisis del sistema capitalista en la novela negra hispana. Ed. By Osvaldo Di Paolo Harrison, y Fabián G. Mosello. Vol. 106, Number 4, December 2023, pp.685-687 (Article), authored by Álvaro Ramírez.
- Invitation from Hispania (ATTSP). Review of Setton, Román, and Gerardo Pignatiello, editores. El policial argentino en el período clásico (1930-1960) entre Sur y el peronismo. Modelos narrativos, tensiones y debates culturales. Harlingen: Libros Medio Siglo, 2021. Pp. 240. ISBN 978-099-951-193-0. (March 2023).
- "Injured and Suffering Bodies: The Trafficking and Femicide of Dominican Immigrant Women in Puerto Rico". Perichoresis. Vo. 17. N.2. Emmanuel University of Oradea, Poland. Print. (June 2020).
- "Femicidio:La mujer como causa de despecho entre dos hermanos en conflicto emocional en 'La intrusa' de Jorge Luis Borges". Acta Iassyensia Comparations. Vol. 23. N. 1 Inimical Brothers. University Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Romania. Print. (June 2019).
- "El empleo de la novela negra en la enseñanza de la cultura hispanoamericana contemporánea a nivel universitario: Puerto Rico y la trata de personas". Edetania No.49. 107-126. Universidad Católica de Valencia. July 2016. Print. Special Invitation.
- "Corruption, Crime and the Urban and Cultural Landscape in Argentina during Carlos Saúl Menem's Administration". The Neopolitical Genre in Latin American Literature: from Hard-Boiled Critique to Detective Series. Caesura: Journal of Philologican & Humanistic Studies. Emanuel University Press. Romania. (July 2016). Print. Special Invitation.
- "Images of the Apocalypse in Latin America: Preterist, Futurist, and Postmodern Interpretations”. The Literature of the Apocalypse: from Prophecy to Disaster. Caesura: Journal of Philologican & Humanistic Studies. 85-105. Emanuel University Press. Romania. September 2014. Print.
- “Imitación, asimilación, importación y posesión: una lectura cursi de María de Jorge Isaacs". Revista de Estudios Colombianos. 41-42. August 2013. 6-13. Print.
- “Satanismo y ‘porno gore’ en Cadáver de ciudad: una novela negra apocalíptica de Juan Hernández de Luna”. Monographic Review: The Occult in Hispanic Literature. November 2012. 51-70. Print.
- « Le récit policier ‘palimpsestique’ argentin dans Escritos con sangre de Sergio Olguín ”. Université d’Angers/ Association des Langues Néo-Latines/ Centre National du Livre. Les Langues néo-latines 362. October 2012. Invitation from the University of Angers to contribute an essay for the issue entitled Faits divers, faits littéraires dans la literature latino-américaine contemporaine. The essay was translated into French. Print.
- “El poshumanismo apocalíptico en la novela negra argentina contemporánea: Ciudad santa y 77”. Universidad Católica de Chile. Literatura y Lingüística 25. July 2012. 9-59. Print.
- “La Habana y Medellín: dos mundos poshumanistas y posapocalípticos a través de La neblina del ayer y Rosario Tijeras”. Universidad de Kentucky. Nomenclatura: aproximaciones a los estudios hispánicos Vol. 2: Iss. 1, Article 3. 2012. 1-21. Web. Invitation from the University of Kentucky to contribute an essay for the issue entitled Apocalypse and the End Times.
- “El policial autobiográfico en Yiya Murano de Martín Murano”. University of Oklahoma. Pegaso 5. (May 2012). 6-24. Print.
- “Cobra: el barroco, el posestructuralismo, el budismo y la cancelación del sentido”. The University of Texas-Pan American. Hipertexto 15 (February 2012): 51-63. Web.
- “El policial palimpséstico en ‘Marta Odera, monja’ de Marisa Grinstein: crónica roja, Cronicuento y serie de televisión”. Romance Quarterly 58.3 (June 2011): 210-30. Print.
- “Marriage: Power and the Law in Esmeralda Comes by Night.” Disclosure 20 (April 2011): 47-61. Print.
- “La rehabilitación de la ciudad en ‘Oda a Walt Whitman’ y otros poemas de Poeta en Nueva York”. Destiempos 29 (April 2011): 39-49. Web.
- “La próxima estación de Pino Solanas: un recorrido por el pasado nacional a través de la industria ferroviaria.” Florida Memorial University. Hispanet Journal (January 2011). Web.
- “El periodismo y el cuento: un estudio del policial argentino basado en hechos reales y en ‘Dos primas’ de Enrique Sdrech.” Grama: Revista de Literatura 13 (Spring 2010): 3-7, Monterrey, Mexico. Print.
- “La estética del crimen y del humor en La decente de Miguel Mihura.” Divergencias 7.1 (May 2009): 18-23. Web.
- "Trescientoscincuenta: una reactivación de la memoria rosarina.” Ciberletras December 2008. Web.
- “Review of Course Management Systems.” Hispania 91.2 (May 2008): 412-13. Print.
Editorial Work
- Editor in Chief for Polifonía: Revista de estudios académicos. Austin Peay State University:
- Literatura y cine: una mirada desde el mundo hispanohablante (forthcoming, 2024)
- Pluralidad de voces sobre Hispanoamérica (2023). Print
- Modernidad colonial y giro decolonia: raza, género e injusticias (2022). Print.
- La crisis del sistema capitalista en la literatura y el cine hispanos (2021). Print.
- Una década en revisión. Tema libre sobre la literatura y el cine hispano (2020). Print.
- Melodrama y géneros populares (2019). Print.
- Encrucijada de la literatura hispana del siglo XXI (2018). Print.
- Inmigración hispana en la literatura y en las artes visuales (2017). Print.
- El Caribe Hispano (2016). Print.
- Masculinidades (2015). Print.
- Utopías y distopías en la ciencia ficción peninsular y latinoamericana (2014). Print.
- Cadáver exquisito: un panorama actual de la novela y el cine negro en el mundo hispano (2013). Print.
- Venas góticas en la literatura y el cine hispánico (2012). Print.
- Producciones culturales del nuevo milenio (2011). Print.
- http://www.apsu.edu/polifonia
- External editor invitation for Hispania. Review of “Viajes en el tiempo en la literature colombiana del Siglo XIX: ‘Bogotá en el año 2000: Una pesadilla’ y ‘Futura’”. (March 2024).
- External editor invitation for Cuadernos del Sur. Review of “Brujas entre duros y flojos: el film noir y la crisis de la imagen acción,” October 2023
- External editor invitation for Hispania. Review of “La virtualidad móvil y la percepción atrofiada de Kentukis,” October 2023.
- Invited reviewer for Revista Humanidades (University of Costa Rica) of "Diálogos intermediales: Rosario Tijeras y la representación del arquetipo femenino en el entrecruce de la literatura, el cine y el videoclip musical" (February 2023).
- Member of the Editorial Board for Acta Iassyensia Comparationis Journal. Alexandru Ioan University Press, Alexandru Ioan University, Romania.
- Invited Reviewer for Mitologías Hoy of “Vida precaria y degradación mercantil. Nuevos márgenes urbanos en Oscura monótona sangre de Sergio Olguín”. (April 2021).
- Invited Reviewer for Latin American Research Review of “Relatos de prisión/ficción: escritura, materialidad y visualidad en el diario Crítica (1922-1933)”. (February 2021).
- Invited Reviewer for Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies of “Paradoxical Ideologies: An Intersectional View of Argentine Psychoanalytic Discourses on Gender and Sexuality (2005-2012)”. (February 2021).
- Invited Reviewer for Revista del Prudente Saber (Universidad de Entre Ríos, Argentina) of “El motivo de la circularidad en espacios inhóspitos en The Circle Game de Margaret Atwood”. (February 2021).
- External Reviewer of Manuscripts for SUNY Press.
- Member of the Editorial Board for Mitologías Hoy. Revista de Pensamiento, Crítica y Estudios Literarios Latinoamericanos (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona).
- Member of the Editorial Board for Estudios de literatura colombiana (University of Antioquia, Colombia).
- Member of the Editorial Board for Antares: Letras e Humanidades (Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brasil).
- Member of the Editorial Board for La Palabra. This reputable Colombian journal is indexed in Publindex Categoría C, EBSCO Publisher and Latindex. (2013-Present).
- http://www.ucs.br/etc/revistas/index.php/antares/about/editorialTeam
- Invited Reviewer for Hispania. "New Milennium. Argentina Noir Crime Novels in buenos Aires". (December 2019).
- Reviewer/Editor for Hispania of "Intertextuality and Parody in Hugo Hiriart's La destrucción de todas las cosas". (March 2019).
- Reviewer/Editor for A&S Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (Washington University in St. Louis) of "Politicizing the 'gris asfalto' Formula: Representing Crises and Vulnerability in Empar Fernández's Mauricio Tedesco Stories". (December 2018).
- Invited Issue Editor for Caesura, Journal of Philological and Humanistic Studies. The Neopolitical Genre in Latin American Literature: from Hard-Boiled Critique to Detective Series. (University of Oradea). (2016).
- Reviewer/Editor for Estudios de literatura colombiana (University of Antioquia, Colombia) of "Melodramas con brujas, vampiros u hombres lobos: el caso Pie de Bruja, de Carolina Andújar". (August 2015).
- Reviewer/Editor for Hispania: A Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese of "La ciencia ficción: Un género literario". (June 2015).
- Reviewer/ Editor for Revista Chilena de Literatura, Univeristy of Chile, of "Configuraciones de la violencia en el Chaco argentino: género negro, subjetividad y espacio". (December 2014).
- Reviewer/ Editor for the International Journal of English and Literature of "The Comparative Analysis of Feminism Thought in Works of Shahrnoush Parsipour and Marguerite Duras". (May 2014).
- Member of the Editorial Board for La Palabra . This reputable Colombian journal is indexed in Publindex Categoría C, EBSCO Publisher and Latindex. (2013-Present)
- http://virtual.uptc.edu.co/revistas2013f/index.php/la_palabra
- Reviewer/ Editor for Hispania: A Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese of "Latin American Science Fiction: Theory and Practice". (June 2013).
- Reviewer/ Editor for Hispania: A Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese of “Feminización de la violencia en Rosario Tijeras de Jorge Franco Ramos”. (January 2012).
- Reviewer/ Editor for Hispania: A Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese of “Juan José Campanela. El secreto de sus ojos”. (September 2011).
- Reviewer/ Editor for American Studies in Scandinavia of “Narrative of Dislocation: The Conflicts of Space and Place in Esmeralda Santiago’s novel: When I was Puerto Rican”. (May 2011).
- Presented “Argentine Gothic-Noir Fusion in The Black Vampire.” 77th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. (2024).
"Literatura anglófona puertorriqueña: rebelión, resistencia y confusión identitaria en el Movimiento Nuyorican.” 76th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. (2023).
- "Subversión del sistema y subsistencia desde una estética picaresca, erótica y negrótica". 75th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. (2022).
- Invited to participate in a panel at the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). “La trata de mujeres y esclavas sexuales en Cornelia de Florencia Etcheves”. (May 2021). Virtual Conference.
- “Capitalismo y crisis ambiental: poder corporativo, saqueo y contaminación en La música de la soledad de Ramón Díaz Eterovic”. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. (April 2021). Virtual Conference.
XXVI CILH. Congresos Internacionales de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos. Panel: Acerca de detectives y novela negra. “Femicrimen psicológico y psicopatía colectiva en La sombra del otro de Alicia Plante”. Lockhaven University. (June 2020). Virtual Conference.
- Invitation by Osvaldo Reyes (Panama) and Javier García Pozuelo (Spain) to present at Festival Novela Negra Online. La Glorieta. "Femicrímenes Palimpsésticos Impunes: Periodismo y literatura." (November 21-27, 2019).
- Invitation to present in the APSU Conference Horror: Academically Speaking. "Negrótico / Gothic Noir: The Convergence of Hardboiled and Gothic Literature." ( October 21-23, 2019).
- "Femicidio y orilleros asesinos en 'La intrusa' de Jorges Luis Borges". 72nd Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. (April 11-13, 2019).
- "Injured and Suffering Bodies: The Trafficking and Femicide of Dominican Immigrant Women in Puerto Rico". De Corpore: Views of the Body through the History of Ideas. Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea. Romania. (December 13, 2018). Special Invitation.
- "Tensiones entre masculinidades hegemónicas y visibles modelos culturales homosexuales durante la modernidad mexicana en La ciudad de los secretos de Víctor Sagal". 71th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. (April 19-21, 2018).
- Special Invitation (Guest Lecture) to VIII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Medellín Negro 2017. "Theoretical Autopsy of Peace in Hispanic Hardboiled Fiction." (September 2017).
- “Negro-Rosa: La fusión genérica del noir taíno y la novela rosa. Narcotráfico, violencia y barrios marginales en Cualquier miércoles soy tuya de Mayra Santos-Febres”. 70th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. (April 10-12, 2017). Special invitation to participate in a conference panel entitled "Literatura caribeña", organized by Dr. Nancy Bird-Soto from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
- "Searching for the Soul: Technology, Cyborgs and Replicants in Exquisite Cadaver by Rafael Acevedo". De Anima: Views of the Soul through the History of Ideas. Internationalo
Conference in Interdisciplinary Humanities. Emanuel University of Oradea. October
21st, 2016. Special Invitation.
- Book Presentation of Noir Boricua. XIX Feria Internacional del Libro República Dominicana. September 28-October 2, 2016. Special Invitation.
- Book Presentation of Noir Boricua. Córdoba Mata. Encuentro internacional de literatura negra y policial. September 14-18, 2016. Special Invitation.
- Book Presentation of Detrás del vitraux. Córdoba Mata. Encuentro internacional de literatura negra y policial. September 14-18, 2016. Special Invitation.
- "Novela negra y la trata de personas en Puerto Rico". 69th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. April 14-16, 2016. Special invitation to participate in a conference panel entitled "Gender and Violence in Contemporary Hispanic Literature", organized by Dr. Shelley Godsland from University of Amsterdam.
- "Los cruces de género: Gótico, policial y otros fantasmas". Córdoba Mata. Encuentro internacional de literatura negra y policial. Feria del Libro de Córdoba. Septiembre 7-10, 2015.
- "El policial en contacto con otros géneros". La Chicago Argentina: Rosario, crimen y cultura. Festival de literatura policial. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. October 2-4, 2014.
- "Los formatos del género negro: Policial y palimpsesto". La Chicago Argentina: Rosario, crimen y cultura. Festival de literatura policial. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. October 2-4, 2014.
- "La zombificación del detective moderno en la novela bestia: Metamorfosis negrótica en Antirresurrección de Juan Ramón Biedma". 67th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. April 10-12, 2014.
- "Vampiros y detectives: el negrótico costarricense como mutación genérica posmoderna en El laberinto del verdugo de Jorge Méndez Limbrick". IV Congreso Internacional de Literatura: Medellín Negro. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia. September 16-20, 2013.
- "Images of the Apocalypse in Latin American Hardboiled: Preterist, Futurist, and Postmodern Interpretations." The Literature of the Apocalypse. Emanuel University of Oraeda, Romania. May 17, 2013.
- "La metamorfosis del vampiro-asesino en el negrótico costarricense de Jorge Méndez Limbrick". 66th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. April 18-20, 2013.
- “Patagonia se dice en plural: identidades y geografías imaginarias en la literatura patagónica argentina y chilena (1983 – circa 2012)”. V Jornadas de Historia de la Patagonia "Homenaje al Dr. Pedro Navarro Floria". Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Don Juan Bosco. Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. April 15-13, 2013.
- “Gemidos y explosiones apocalípticas en la novela negra: Virulencia (pos)apocalíptica en La neblina del ayer de Leonardo Padura”. III Congreso Internacional de Literatura: Medellín Negro. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia. September 12-14, 2012.
- “El poshumanismo apocalíptico en la novela negra argentina”. 65th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. April 19-21, 2012.
- “El policial palimpséstico en ‘Caminaré en tu sangre’ de Vicente Battista”. II Congreso internacional de literatura: Medellín Negro. University of Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia. September 14-17, 2011.
- “El policial autobiográfico en ‘Mi madre, Yiya Murano’ de Martín Murano”. 64th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. April 14-16, 2011.
- “Mujeres homicidas y violencia doméstica: crónica roja, cronicuento y serie de televisión en ‘Emilia Basil, cocinera’”. VII Congreso de Novela y Cine Negro: Crimen sin fronteras – Fronteras del crimen. University of Salamanca. Salamanca, Spain. April 5-8, 2011.
- “El cuento policial palimpséstico en ‘Escritos con sangre’ de Sergio Olguín.” II International Congress of Criminal Fiction: Hard-boiled in the Times of Globalization. University of León. León, Spain. October 13-15, 2010.
- “Journalism and Palimpsestic Detective Fiction in ‘Two Cousins’ by Enrique Sdrech.” 1st Latin American Studies Symposium. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. February 25-26, 2010.
- “El periodismo y el cuento: un estudio del policial argentino basado en hechos reales y en ‘Dos primas’ de Enrique Sdrech.” 18th Colloquium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics Merging Textualities, Emerging Paradigms. University of Texas, Austin, TX. November 13-14, 2009.
- “Trescientoscincuenta: una reactivación de la memoria rosarina.” 4th Annual Graduate Student Colloquium. Dismembering the Map: New Perspectives on the Luso-Hispanic Word. University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. April 10-11, 2009.
- “La estética del crimen y del humor en La decente de Miguel de Mihura.” 19th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ. February 5-7, 2009.
- “El bicentenario argentino en La próxima estación de Pino Solanas: un recorrido del pasado nacional a través de la industria ferroviaria.” Hispanic Studies Colloquium on Bicentennial Celebrations in Latin America. University of Kentucky. Lexington, KY. November 3, 2009.
- “El humor negro y el poder en El complot mongol de Rafael Bernal.” Hispanic Studies Colloquium on Latin American Humor. University of Kentucky. Lexington, KY. December 5, 2008.
Guest Speaker Invitations
- Celebration of Scholarship College Finalist / Presented “Argentina Gothic-Noir Fusion in The Black Vampire.”
- Invited Guest Speaker for Guadalajara en Negro Festival, Spain. International Panel: "Instituciones sólidas, Paz y Justicia". Panel moderated by Beatriz Gómez.
- Invited to present at the Phi Alpha Theta, History Club and India Club at APSU. “History: Shaping Lives and Literary Research”. April 2021.
- Special Invitation to Virtual México Noir III from Nitro Noir Press “Novela negra desde la academia”. Mexico, 5-8 November.
- Special Invitation to Festivalón: Virtual Argentine National Festival of Hardboiled. “La crisis del capitalismo en la novela negra”. Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 13.
- Special Invitation to Festivalón. Virtual Argentine National Festival of Hardboiled. “De cerca y en persona con la reina del Noir: Vicki Hendricks”. Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 21.
- Special Invitation to the Virtual APSU Hispanic Heritage Month. Guest Lecture: “Femicide in Argentina through the Lens of Hardboiled Literature. October 7.
Special Invitation (Panelist). Café Online Alive. Encuentro virtual en tiempos de Covid-19. (May 2020). Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano (UCEL), Argentina. Virtual Conference.
- Guest speaker invitation to the 8th Book Fair “Edith Manera,” Carlos Paz, Argentina. Virtual presentation of Femicrímenes (Teseo, 2020). August 14-17. 2020.
- Special Invitation (Guest Lecture). "Femicide in Argentine Literature". The Woodward Library Society. (November 2019).
- Special Invitation (Guest Lecture). "Femicrímenes: El femicidio en la literatura argentina de los siglos XX y XXI". Biblioteca Pública Alfonsina Storni. Rosario, Argentina. (June 2019).
- "The Other Side of the Page: Editorship". Special Invitation (Guest Lecture). University of Kentucky. (April 2018).
- Special invitation (Guest Lecture) to VIII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Medellín Negro 2017. "Theoretical Autopsy of Peace in Hispanic Hardboiled Fiction." (September 2017).
- Guest Speaker Lecture Medellin Negro 2017
- Special invitation for the plenary of guest speakers at the closing of the conference Medellín Negro 2017. (September 2017).
- Special invitation to present the winning crime novel for the literary contest of Medellín Negro 2017. (September 2017).
- Special invitation to present my latest book, Noir Boricua, at the XXVI Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana , Cuba. (February 9-19, 2017).
- Special invitation to Córdoba Mata. Festival de Literatura Policial. Córdoba, Argentina. September 14-18, 2016. Presented "Aldeas teñidas de rojo y negro" and "Globalización del delito. Los nuevos contenidos del policial: femicidios, genocidios y exclusión".
- Special invitation to XIX Feria Internacional del Libro República Dominicana. (September
- Presented 14 Puertas al Silencio de José Antonio Santos.
- Presented Noir Boricua: La novela negra de Puerto Rico de Osvaldo Di Paolo Harrison.
- Special invitation to Córdoba Mata. Festival de Literatura Policial. Córdoba, Argentina. September 7-14, 2015. Presented "Gótico, novela negra y otros fantasmas".
- Special invitation to La Chicago Argentina: Rosario, crimen y cultura. Festival de
Literatura Policial:
- "El policial en contacto con otros géneros". La Chicago Argentina: Rosario, crimen
y cultura. Festival de literatura policial. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. October
2-4, 2014.
"Los formatos del género negro: Policial y palimpsesto". La Chicago Argentina: Rosario, crimen y cultura. Festival de literatura policial. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. October 2-4, 2014.
- "El policial en contacto con otros géneros". La Chicago Argentina: Rosario, crimen
y cultura. Festival de literatura policial. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. October
2-4, 2014.
- Provost Lecture Series 2014. "Negrótico: Vampires, Zombies and Detectives." Autin Peay State University. (March 2014).
- Special invitation to present my new book entitled "Gemidos y explosiones apocalípticas poshumanas: la novela negra y de ciencia ficción hispana del siglo XXI", during the Semana Negra in Medellín (September 2013).
- Special invitation (guest lecture) to participate in a panel ("conversatorios") made up of selected scholars and writers during Medellin Negro 2013 after a presentation entitled "'La voz de los sin voz' o el concierto desvelado de las víctimas de la marginalidad en la actual novela cubana", given by writer and journalist Amir Valle (September 2013).
- Invited speaker for the presentation of 13 maneras de entender la novela negra, published by Editorial Planeta. September 13, 2012. Event sponsored by the Mayor’s Office of Medellín (Alcaldía de Medellín) and the University of Antioquia during the Colombia Book Fair (Fiesta del libro y la cultura).
- Festival Azabache 2012. Mar del Plata, Argentina. May 10-13, 2012. Invited to speak at the largest detective fiction festival in Latin America.
- Mujeres asesinas: Emilia Basil, cocinera. Cine Club Andrés Caicedo. Commentary and discussion of film. UK Hispanic Studies and Latin American Studies Program. University of Kentucky. November 10, 2009.
- “Dictatorship in Argentina.” Guest speaker. Fondo de Cultura Económica. Panel with Argentine writers Alicia Partnoy and María del Carmen Sillato. August 15, 2008. Guadalajara, Mexico.
- Trescientoscincuenta. Cine Club Andrés Caicedo. Commentary and discussion of film. UK Hispanic Studies and Latin American Studies Program. University of Kentucky. December 4, 2008.
Research Member of the Latin American Counsel of Social Sciences (CLACSO). Member of the group "El istmo centroamericano: repensando los centros."
Working on a manuscript to investigate hardboiled fiction from the city of Rosario, Argentina, from the 20th and 21st centuries.
- "APSU Spanish Class Keeping Community Safe through Translation Work." (2022).
- "APSU Spanish Professor Examines Capitalist Society in Seventh Book". (2022).
- Invited Guest to "El simple arte de escuchar" with Marcos Caruso to present about Crisis of the Capitalist System in Hardboiled Fiction. Radio de la Ciudad, 1110 am, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Show dedicated to hardboiled fiction. Producers: Camila di Lorenzo & Eduardo Uballes. (September 16, 2020).
- Invited Guest to "El simple arte de escuchar" with Marcos Caruso to present new book (Femicrímenes). Radio de la Ciudad, 1110 am, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Show dedicated to hardboiled fiction. Producers: Camila di Lorenzo & Eduardo Uballes. (February 11, 2020).
- "APSU Di Paolo Harrison Looks at Femicide for Sixth Scholarly Book." Leaf Chronicle. (February 4, 2020).
- Interview conducted by Osvaldo Aguirre for his article "Gansta rap, narco rap y narcocorridos: una breve historia de los cancioneros criminales latinoamericanos". Infobae. (September 2019).
- Invited Guest to "F.M. La Tribu" Buenos Aires, Argentina. Interview conducted by Alan Benitez. "Emilia Basil, cocinera: Casos policiales que perduran en la memoria colectiva argentina". (September 2019).
- Invited Guest to "El simple arte de escuchar" with Marcos Caruso. Radio de la Ciudad, 1110 am, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Show dedicated to hardboiled fiction. Producers: Camila di Lorenzo & Eduardo Uballes. (August 11, 2018).
- "Paperback Writer" by Tony Centonze. Clarksville Living Magazine, 30-33. (July 2018).
- "APSU's Osvaldo Di Paolo Harrison publishes fifith scholarly work on Hispanic Crime Fiction". Leaf Chronicle. (February 2018).
- "Ganador del VI Concurso de Novela de Crímenes Medellín Negro 2017." Special Invitation to form part of one of three members of the jury.
- "Noir Boricua. La novela negra de Puerto Rico y los 25 años de Editorial Isla Negra". Noticias S y N. Color Visión. Canal 9. Feria Internacional del Libro de la República Dominicana (Octubre 2016).
- "Territorio Negro II. Cuentos bajo sospecha. Evaristo Cultural. José María Gatti. Reseñas en el marco del reciente finalizado Córdoba Mata 2016". (September 2016).
- "Mina Clavero: Exitoso paso del 3er. Encuentro International de Novela Negra y Policial 'Córdoba Mata'. Traslasierra Noticias. (September 2016).
- Television Interview by Jorge Santiago Rey. Centro de Producción, investigación y
capacitación audiovisual, editorial y gráfico. Proa Centro.Panorama. Canal 9. Valle de traslasierra, Córdoba. (September 2016).
- "APSU Professor Explores Crime in Puerto Rico: Investigates Social Issuses in Crime
Fiction." The All State. (August 2016). Print.
- "Dr. Osvaldo Di Paolo Harrison Publishes Research Book on Puerto Rican Hardboiled-Fiction."
(August 2016).
- "APSU Professors Di Paolo Harrison, Williams Receive Summer Research Grants." (May 24 2016). Web.
- "APSU's Di Paolo explores blending of Hispanic literary genres in new book." (May 2015). Web.
- Interview by Horas robadas a la noche, a blog about Argentine authors, about my writing habits and methodology. (November 2014). Web.
- Invited to Radio Universidad FM 103.3 by Carlos del Frade and María Vergini to discuss the impact of hardboiled literature in society. Rosario, Argentina. (October, 2014). Radio Show.
- Invited to TV Regional Rosario (Channel 14, Cablevisión) by María Adelaida Vergini to discuss the diferent formats of hardboiled literature. Rosario, Argentina. (October, 2014). TV Show.
- Newspaper article about my new book, Negrótico: "El cruce de lo negro y lo gótico". Perspectivas. Diario La Capital. Domingo 21 de septiembre de 2014. 6. Print.
- "New Spanish Class Tackles Vampires and Zombies". (April 2014). Web.
- "Gemidos y explosiones apocalípticas poshumanas: la novela negra y de ciencia ficción hispana del siglo XXI". El diablo me dijo: Blog de José Miguel Vilar-Bou. (November 2013). Web.
- "APSU's Di Paolo explores Hispanic sci-fi and detective novels in new book". (August 2013). Web.
- "Pudo haber sido una novela negra: Crímenes como el de Ángeles Rawson dejan huellas más profundas que se ramifican a la literatura policial". Newsweek Argentina. (July 2013). Print.
- “Moda negra: Enigma para escritores”. Señales de la cultura y la sociedad. Rosario, Argentina. (10 June 2012). 4-5. Print.
- “Crímenes reales en clave de ficción: el policial palimpséstico”. Juan Manuel Rapaciolli. Télam Suplemento literario. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (5 March 2012). Print.
- “Policiales de verdad”. Osvaldo Aguirre. La Capital. Rosario, Argentina. (5 Feb. 2012). 6.
- Entrevista Diario La Capital
- “La demonización del delito juvenil”. Miradas al sur 5:193. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (29 Jan. 2012). http://sur.infonews.com/notas/la-demonizacion- del-delito-juvenil.
- “New Scholarly Journal on Hispanic Studies Comes to Austin Peay”. The Leaf Chronicle. Clarksville, United States. (5 December 2011).
- “Book by APSU Professor Examines Argentina Crime”. The Leaf Chronicle. Clarksville, United States. 9 October 2011). D4.
- “VII Congreso de novela y cine negro de Salamanca”. Silencio se lee 72. Salamanca, Spain. (23 April 2011).