APSU Institutional Mission Profile
Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-8-101, the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) requires public higher education institutions to annually submit an Institutional Mission Profile. The current APSU Institutional Mission Profile was approved by THEC on November 3, 2022.
Austin Peay State University
Institutional Mission Profile
Austin Peay State University is a community-minded comprehensive public institution
in Clarksville, northwest of Nashville, committed to meeting the needs of Tennessee
and the southeastern United States. Faculty and staff provide excellent educational
and co-curricular experiences at Austin Peay through the quality of the academic programs,
the innovative and caring approach of academic support services, and the distinction
of faculty – both in teaching and in scholarship and research. With a Carnegie Classification
of a Master’s Large institution, Austin Peay emphasizes student-centered teaching
in order to ensure relevant learning experiences across varying disciplines, including
behavioral and health sciences and STEM fields, business, education, and the arts.
Austin Peay also offers two doctoral programs, the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership,
and the Psy.D. in Counseling Psychology. The University predominantly serves students
throughout Tennessee and the southeastern region and provides additional programming
and services focusing on adult, first generation, low socio-economic, military, minority,
and high-performing students. APSU is committed to supporting military-affiliated
students and offers programs and student support services at its own educational facility
on Fort Campbell and the Newton Military Family Resource Center. Austin Peay is the
state’s largest provider of higher education to military-affiliated students, serving
as a Veterans Education Transition Support (VETS) Campus. Furthermore, APSU is one
of only two institutions in Tennessee that hosts the VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) program
in collaboration with the US Department of Veterans Affairs. The university also houses
the Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts and the Center of Excellence for Field
Biology, as well as the state’s first teacher residency program, which is also the
first registered teacher apprenticeship program in the country.