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Submission of FY 2024-25 TAF Proposals

Submissions for Technology Access Fee proposals for FY 2024-25 are now closed. The committee is working to evaluate the proposals. Funding decisions will be made by the end of the semester.

Approval Process and Evaluation

A more detailed description can be found in the TAF proposal process. If you should have additional questions about the proposal process, please feel free to contact us.
John Nicholson, Faculty Representative, Co-Chair
Computer Science and Information Technology, nicholsonja@apsu.edu
Phone:  (931) 221.7821
P.O. Box 4414
Sherry Lawdermilt, Staff Representative, Co-Chair
Associate Vice President and CIO, lawdermilts@apsu.edu
Office of Information Technology
Phone:  (931) 221.7129
P.O. Box 4606
Contact preference is via email.  You typically can expect a response within 24 hours of receipt of your email message.