Reporting An Incident
Austin Peay State University encourages any member of the APSU community who has experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, or knows of another member of the community who has experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking to report the incident to the university.
If an APSU student, faculty or staff member, visitor, or contractor has experienced a sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, they should immediately report the incident to APSU Public Safety at extension 7786 from an on-campus telephone, or by calling (931) 221-7786 from an off-campus telephone.
Individuals who are on campus can also make an in-person report at APSU Police Department. APSU Public Safety will assist all members of the APSU community by assessing the incident, advising the survivor on how he or she can seek legal protection, and making the survivor aware of medical, counseling, and other support services. If a reported incident did not occur on campus, APSU Public Safety can assist the survivor in notifying the local police department with jurisdiction over the crime. In case of an emergency or ongoing threat, a survivor should get to a safe location and call 911. Calling 911 will put you in touch with local police.
Students who have experienced a sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking may also report the incident to the university's Title IX Coordinator, LaNeeca Williams, located in the Browning Building Room 140, or by calling (931) 221-7690.
These office will provide survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking with information about available support services and resources, and also assist any survivor in notifying law enforcement, including the local police, if the survivor elects to do so.
Survivors are not required to report to area law enforcement in order to receive assistance from or pursue any options within Austin Peay State University. For more information, please visit the section on how to report an assault on the website.
Reporting sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking to the police (including the Austin Peay State University Police Department) does not commit the survivor to further legal action. However, the earlier an incident is reported, the easier it will be for police to investigate, if the survivor decides to proceed with criminal charges.