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Austin Peay State University Policy

Austin Peay State University supports the development and periodic review of University policies as stated in policy 0:001 Policy Administration.  APSU policies enhance the University's mission, promote operational efficiencies, reduce institutional risk, and provide an understanding of the University's expectations for operation.  APSU policies must be in accordance with local, state, federal regulations.

University Policy Committee meetings are held at 3:30 P.M. on the first Tuesday of every month.

Click one of the links below to access APSU policies. There are 100 public access licenses for simultaneous use, so if you receive an error page, please try again later.

Public Policy Access

User Policy Access

University Policy Committee Members

Ms. Dannelle Whiteside, Chair, Vice President for Legal Affairs and Organizational Strategy
Dr. Maria Cronley, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mr. Shahrooz Roohparvar, Vice President for Finance and Administration 
Dr. Leonard Clemons, Vice President for Student Affairs
Mr. Kris Phillips, Vice President of Alumni, Engagement and Philanthropy and Executive Director of the APSU Foundation
Mr. Gerald Harrison, Vice President & Director of Athletics
Dr. Osvaldo DiPaolo Harrison, Faculty Senate President
Mr. Chris Jones, Staff Senate President
Mr. Logan Sykes, SGA President


University Policy Committee Minutes:

All minutes, including archived minutes, are stored in the University repository Aspire.

Numbering System of Policies

Policies are identified by a multi-digit number. The first digit designates the section that the policy lies in. These designations are as follows:

  • 0:xxx     Policy Instructions
  • 1:xxx     Governance, Organization, and General Policies
  • 2:xxx     Academic Policies
  • 3:xxx     Student Policies
  • 4:xxx     Business and Finance Policies
  • 5:xxx     Personnel Policies
  • 6:xxx     Nondiscrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
  • 7:xxx     Advancement and Communications
  • 8:xxx     Athletics

Policy Procedures

Submission of Changes:

Proposed additions, revisions, or requests to rescind a policy should be submitted by policy owners or reviewers as outlined in the Policy Review/Approval Flow Chart. Upon approval by the President and/or Board of Trustees, the policy will become official.


New Policies:

When submitting a new policy, please use the New Policy Template. The content of the policy will be at the discretion of the initiating authority, being selected in accordance with the criteria of appropriateness, clarity, and conciseness. To request PolicyTech access to create a new policy, please email LegalAffairs_apsu@apsu.edu.

For questions or other assistance, please call 931-221-7572 or email LegalAffairs_apsu@apsu.edu.

The following policy changes are submitted for University review and comment. For policy revisions, a clean version and a marked version of the policy are available for your review. A comment form can be found at the bottom of the page for comments and questions to be submitted.

Recommended Revised Policies



There are no recommended revised policies for review at this time.




Recommended New Policies





New Copy

October 28, 2024


Generative Artificial Intelligence at APSU

New Copy October 28, 2024

Recommended Rescinded Policies



There are no recommended rescinded policies for review at this time.




University Policy Feedback


Recently Approved Policies

Frequently Asked Questions about Policies

When submitting a new policy, please use the New Policy Template or email LegalAffairs_apsu@apsu.edu to request the template. The content of the policy will be at the discretion of the initiating authority, being selected in accordance with the criteria of clarity, conciseness, etc. For new policies, please use the Policy Template Structure guide to assist you with creating or revising a policy.

A monthly email is sent to the campus community notifying them of the recent policy updates. Additionally a list of recently updated and approved policies in the last several months can be found on the Recent Policy Approvals tab.

The University Policy Committee (UPC) reviews and approves all new and revised administrative policies and then submits recommendations for approval to the President and Board of Trustees (when applicable). The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs reviews and approves all new and revised administrative policies and then submits recommendations for approval to the President and Board of Trustees (if applicable). A list of the UPC members can be found under the Policy Overview tab.
All policies undergo mandatory review every five years from the last approval date, though many are reviewed every year or every three years as needed. Changes to existing policies are to the UPC or Provost as appropriate and are ultimately approved by the President and Board of Trustees (when applicable). Please contact the Office of Legal Affairs at 221-7572 for archived versions of policies.
For any questions regarding policies, please contact the Office of Legal Affairs at LegalAffairs_apsu@apsu.edu or 221-7572 for assistance.
According to policy 0:001 Policy Administration, "Proposals for new policies and for policy changes may be made by administrators, faculty members, staff members, or students."