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Equipment Check-out Form

Complete the form below if you need to check-out an instrument or other item from the Department of Music (For current students [music majors], faculty, and staff only).


Complete this section if you need to check-out an instrument (this is for studio and ensemble purposes only. For Group-Instruction classes, see your instructor).

Before you begin completing this form, you will need the make, model, and serial number of the equipment you would like to check-out.

If you need to check-out technology or other equipment, skip this section.
Complete this section if you need to check-out Department of Music Technology. Not all equipment is available to students. See your applied instructor or ensemble director for more information.
Technology you would like to check-out
If you selected 'other,' provide additional information here.
Other Equipment
Usually you will discuss a due-date prior to checking-out an item.
RESPONSIBLE PARTY: When equipment is issued to a student, there must be a responsible party. The responsible party is a faculty or staff member who issued the equipment and who is ultimately responsible to ensure the equipment is returned by the due date indicated on the form, in its original condition.
Required for students who wish to check-out university equipment
Required for students who wish to check-out university equipment

All equipment must be returned on or before the last class day of the semester unless you make other arrangements in advance. Students are responsible for the care and maintenance of equipment while in the student’s possession. Students will be held liable and will be expected to pay for all damages caused by negligence or mistreatment of the equipment while in the student’s possession. Failure to return university-owned instruments within 5 business days of agreed upon due date will result in the instrument[s] being considered lost or stolen. A Notification of Loss Report will be submitted to the Office of Internal Audit and the Vice President for Finance and Administration as required by university policy 1:016. In addition a hold will be placed on the account of the last known borrower until the instrument is returned or replaced. Your signature indicates that all information on this form is complete and accurate and that you agree to the conditions stated above.

By submitting this form, you confirm that all information on this form is complete and accurate and that you agree to the conditions stated above.
