- sandiferm1@apsu.edu
Ph.D., Counselor Education & Supervision, University of Holy Cross New Orleans
M.A., Counseling, University of Holy Cross New Orleans
B.A., Psychology, Dillard University
M.A., Counseling, University of Holy Cross New Orleans
B.A., Psychology, Dillard University
Dr. Mariama I. Cook Sandifer has served for 14 years in the public school system as
a national and state certified school counselor and is a licensed professional counselor
supervisor. Her counseling experience covered a wide array of diverse populations
and required targeted strategies to meet student/client needs. Dr. Sandifer believes
in using her voice to advocate for societal change in order to improve the lives of
the nation's youth. She has provided several workshops and trainings on school culture
and school-community relationships.
School counseling program implementation and interventions, School culture, Post degree
supervision of school counselors, Social justice and advocacy in counseling.
- Gibson, E. M. Thompson, J., Sandifer, M. C., & Brant-Rajahn, S. N (2022). A culturally
affirming shared
leadership framework. Professional School Counseling. 26(1c), 1–10.
DOI: 10.1177/2156759X221134665 - Sandifer, M. C., Gibson, E. M., & Brant-Rajahn, S. N. (2022). Antiracist andragogy
in school counselor
education and training. Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal, 7(1). ISSN: 2578-
2029 - Brant-Rajahn, S. N., Gibson, E. M., & Sandifer, M. C. (2022). Developing, delivering,
and sustaining school
counseling practices through a culturally affirming lens. IGI Global. - Gibson, E. M., Sandifer, M. C., Webb, T. E., & Cox, E. (2022). Professional identity
development and
Responsibilities. In Developing, delivering, and sustaining school counseling
practices through a culturally affirming lens (pp. 1-18). IGI Global. - Bedford, W., Gibson, E. M., & Sandifer, M. C. (2022). Creating a beloved community
for Black male students: A unified approach. In Developing, delivering, and sustaining
counseling practices through a culturally affirming lens (pp. 192-211). IGI Global. - Sandifer, M. C., Gibson, E. M., & Brant-Rajahn, S. N. (2022). WOKE: Advocacy for African
Students. In Research Anthology on Racial Equity, Identity, and Privilege (pp. 1365-1386). IGI Global.
(Original work published 2021) - Brott. P. E., DeKruyf, L., Hyun, J. H., LaFever, C., Patterson-Mills, S., Sandifer,
M. C., Stone, V. C. (2021).
The critical need for clinical supervision amongst school counselors. Journal of School-based
Counseling Policy & Evaluation, 3(2), 51-60. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/jscpe/vol3/iss2/2/ - Gibson, E. M., Sandifer, M. C., & Brant-Rajahn, S. (2021, March). WOKE: Cultivating
social change and
wellness for Black students. Psychology in Motion. - Sandifer, M. C., Gibson, E. M., & Brant-Rajahn, S. N. (2021). WOKE: Advocacy for African
Students. In Rausch, M. A., & Gallo, L. L. (Eds.), Strengthening School Counselor Advocacy and
Practice for Important Populations and Difficult Topics (pp. 19-40). IGI Global.
http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7319-8.ch002 - Sandifer, M. C, & Gibson, E. M. (2020). School counselors as social justice change
Addressing retention of African American males. Journal of School Counseling, 18(21). http:/www.jsc.montana.edu/articles/v18n21.pdf - Gibson, E. M., & Sandifer, M. C. (2020). It takes a village: Service learning as our
responsibility in higher education. In P. Blessinger & E. Sengupta (Eds.), Civil Society and Social
Responsibility in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Curriculum and Teaching
Development (pp. 93-108). International Higher Education Teaching and Learning. - Gibson, E. M., Sandifer, M. C., & Bedford, W. (2019). A sense of mattering: A group
intervention for
African American boys. Professional School Counseling, 21(1), 1-9. doi: 10.1177/2156759X19867336 - Sandifer, M. C., Martin, D., Range, L. & Fonseca, T. (2019). Factors associated with
orientation and supervision in schools. Journal of School Counseling, 7(12).