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Civility Initiatives

School of Nursing Civility Pledge

CIVILITY PLEDGE Provision 1.5 of the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (2015) requires all nurses to create “an ethical environment and culture of civility and kindness, treating colleagues, coworkers, employees, students, and patients with dignity and respect; any form of bullying, harassment, intimidation, manipulation, threats, or violence are always morally unacceptable and will not be tolerated” (p. 4)

To honor this commitment, all members of the Austin Peay State University School of Nursing pledge to abide by our co-created goals and ground rules and to communicate and interact in a respectful, civil manner and with utmost integrity. When we disagree, we will restrict our differences to the issue itself while continuing to respect the person with whom we disagree. We pledge to create and sustain a workplace that encourages inclusion, collaboration, professionalism, emotional and physical safety, ethical conduct, and productive discourse by all members of the SON. All our discussions and interactions will be conducted in a respectful, civil, and dignified manner as we move towards positive innovation throughout our nursing community.

Nursing Faculty Civility Day

School of Nursing Ground Rules

  • Assume goodwill

  • Collaborate with others

  • Build trust: Nothing about me without me

  • Follow chain of command

  • Respect one another

  • Use open, active, direct, effective communication

  • Offer solutions when presenting a problem or disagreeing – start with a goal in mind

  • Be responsible and accountable for our actions and inactions

  • Let the past go—don’t hold grudges – today is a new day – hold others accountable when they bring up old issues

  • Do not listen or participate in gossip. Redirect inappropriate comments

  • Promote and celebrate each other’s successes—everyone needs and deserves recognition no matter how small

Student Civility