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Constitution, Bylaws, and Committee Descriptions






Article I. NAME

The name of this organization is the Austin Peay State University (hereafter APSU) African-American Employee Council (hereafter, AAEC shall also denote the full title).


The mission of the AAEC is to promote unity, provide support and build community among Black faculty, staff, and students at APSU. In addition, through advocacy and collaborative efforts, AAEC exists to enhance communication and champion equity, access, inclusion, opportunity and social justice—while challenging racism—within the University, with our African-American alumni, and broader African-American community.


The purpose of AAEC shall be to:

  1. Promote unity, provide support and build community among African-American faculty, staff and students.
  2. Advocate for equity, access, inclusion, opportunity and social justice initiatives that shall bolster the recruitment, retention, promotion, and success of African-American faculty, staff, and students, both internally and externally.
  3. Advance an agenda that shall address issues and concerns of African-American faculty, staff and students.
  4. Hold APSU accountable for its diversity and inclusion plan(s).



Section 1. Composition of the Executive Committee

  1. The AAEC Executive Committee shall consist of the following officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Administrator (Secretary), Treasurer, Parliamentarian and Standing Committee Chairs. The positions that comprise the AAEC Executive Committee shall be voted on by a majority vote of the full AAEC membership. AAEC Executive Committee leadership terms shall follow the July 1 – June 30 Fiscal Year.
  2. The AAEC Executive Committee shall also consist of the Standing Committee Chairs.


Section 2. Executive Committee Duties and Responsibilities

  1. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for assuring the coordination of all activities of the Council and shall be accountable to the membership.
  2. The Chair shall serve as Lead of the Executive Committee.




  1. The Executive Committee shall establish and charge the Standing Committees with their respective duties and responsibilities. Each Standing Committee shall be obliged to carry out their respective duties and responsibilities as designated by the Executive Committee. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, researching issues of concern, making appropriate recommendations for action or providing confirmation. If no urgency exists or immediate action is required, then research findings and/or recommendations of a Standing Committee shall be presented to the Executive Committee at least five (5) days prior to a scheduled meeting. However, should an urgent matter require immediate action, the Executive Committee can waive said By-laws, as deemed appropriate or necessary.
  2. The Executive Committee shall establish and charge ad hoc committees as deemed appropriate or necessary, to conduct the work of AAEC. An ad hoc committee is understood to be a temporary body established for undertaking projects/initiatives deemed important, yet are outside the duties and responsibilities of established Standing Committees.
  3. The Executive Committee shall consult with resource persons, as deemed necessary, to fulfill the mission of AAEC.
  4. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision over the affairs of AAEC, shall arrange its general body (i.e. business) meetings, and perform such duties and responsibilities as are specified in this Constitution. Specific supervisory duties include:
  5. Fill all vacancies in any office or committee by majority approval, until the next election.
  6. Audit or review the Annual Report of the Treasurer.
  7. Approve any expenditures made on behalf of the AAEC over $50.00
  8. Propose, receive, or review petitions for amendments to the By-Laws
  9. Make decisions or recommendations for any other business as appropriate.
  10. The Executive Committee is subject to the consent and orders of the AAEC membership body; and none of its acts shall conflict with the actions taken by the AAEC membership body.



Active membership shall consist of any African-American and any of person of African descent, who is employed as administrators, faculty and staff at APSU. Membership is established by submission of application, attendance, and participation in AAEC general body meetings, programs and/or initiatives of the organization.


All Standing Committees shall be established and (re)convened within thirty (30) days of the academic school year.

The AAEC Standing Committees:

  1. Executive Committee
  2. Faculty Affairs Committee
  3. Staff Affairs Committee
  4. Student Affairs Committee 3


  1. Constitution and By-Laws Committee
  2. Fund-Raising Committee

Committee Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Executive Committee


The Executive Committee shall be responsible for assuring the coordination of all activities of the Council and shall be accountable to the membership.

  1. Faculty Affairs Committee:


Assist with all aspects of retention, tenure, merit and promotion for full and part time faculty at APSU. Duties and responsibilities include building connections and a sense of community across departments among African American faculty; provide orientation, mentorship and guidance related to successful employment at the university; be a safe, productive space to process departmental or programmatic concerns impacting fair and ethical hiring and retention of qualified candidates; and produce one annual training or workshop relevant to the current needs and trends of African American faculty in higher education.

  1. Staff Affairs Committee:


Responsible to promote community and a spirit of collaboration for African- American/black staff; provide networking opportunities and guidance related to successful employment at the university; participate in training workshops focused on inclusion and retention; and foster communication that highlights diversity and excellence. In addition, the committee will work collectively to learn and address challenges while supporting the mission of the AAEC.

  1. Student Affairs Committee:


Responsible for the role of liaison between the council and the student affairs department. The Student Affairs Committee has the responsibility of staying aware of any student affairs policy or policy changes that may affect our African American faculty, staff, and students while developing opportunities to foster relationships with our student population by way of programming, support of student organizations, and retention initiatives.

  1. Constitution and By-Laws Committee:


Responsible for the annual review and update of constitution and By-laws of the African American Employee Council.

  1. Fund-Raising Committee:


Responsible for raising capital and operating funds necessary to fulfill and support initiatives created by the AAEC as they relate to Austin Peay State University African-American faculty/staff and students.





SECTION 1. Regular meetings of the AAEC will be scheduled by the Chair. Special called meetings may be scheduled by the Executive Committee. Changes to the regular meeting schedule shall be approved by the majority Executive Committee.

SECTION 2. Notice of regular meetings will be sent by email to the members at least five (5) days prior to a meeting. Notice of called meetings will be sent no less than two (2) business days prior to the meeting.

SECTION 3. Agenda items may be submitted electronically through to the AAEC official email account. Agenda items must be submitted at least three (3) business days prior to an AAEC general meeting.

SECTION 4. A meeting of the AAEC shall follow the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.


Quorum shall consist of fifty percent (50%) of the filled elected membership present.

SECTION 1. A quorum is required for election of officers. Quorum is defined as 50% of the voting staff senators present. Approval is based upon 50% plus one vote of the quorum established above.

SECTION 2. A majority is required for all other voting issues.

SECTION 3. No voting by proxy is allowed during regularly scheduled AAEC meetings.

Electronic votes may be used in circumstances deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.


SECTION 1. The AAEC reserves the right to go into executive session by a majority vote of members present or to be called into executive session by the AAEC Executive Committee.

SECTION 2. Any member of the AAEC Executive Committee must notify the Administrator if the Executive Committee Member is unable to attend a regular or Executive Committee meeting.


Section 1. The elected officers are the voting members on the Executive Committee.

  1. The elected officers consist of the following:
  2. Chair
  3. Vice-Chair
  4. Administrator
  5. Treasurer
  6. Parliamentarian
  7. Elected officers shall have only one vote on the Executive Committee. In the

event of a tie, the Chair shall cast the tie-breaking vote.

  1. Elected officers shall hold only one elected office at a time.
  2. Elected officers shall chair no more than one Standing Committee at a time.

Section 2. Chair Duties and Responsibilities

  1. The Chair of the AAEC shall be the presiding officer of the AAEC.

Which includes, but is not limited to, presiding over all meetings of the AAEC, initiate projects as deemed necessary for the welfare of the organization, accounts to the AAEC for the expenditure of funds, acts as the liaison between the AAEC and campus community.

  1. Is one of the two authorized users listed on AAEC checking account and signer(s) of checks.
  2. Approves authorized AAEC expenditures.

D.. If the Chair resigns or leaves Austin Peay State University, the Vice-Chair will assume the duties of the Chair for the remainder of the year.

Section 3. Vice-Chair Duties and Responsibilities

In the absence of the Chair President of the AAEC the Vice Chair shall be the presiding officer.

  1. The Vice-Chair shall be elected from the general body of the AAEC.
  2. In the case of the resignation of the Vice-Chair or the Vice-Chair assuming full-time responsibilities of the Vice-Chair, a new Vice-Chair shall be elected.

Section 4. Administrator

  1. The Administrator (Secretary) shall be responsible for recording and distributing the minutes of regular AAEC meetings to representatives and other appropriate University individuals.

B Other duties as agreed upon by the Executive Committee may be assigned to the Administrator.

Section 5. Treasurer

  1. Maintain current, accurate records of all fiscal matters related to AAEC.
  2. Maintain itemized, financial records of all allocated funds used to support

various committees, programs and events.

  1. Is one (1) of the two (2) authorized users listed on the AAEC bank account and signer(s) of checks.
  2. Receives and deposits all AAEC monies into the account within three (3) days of receiving funds (including but not limited to transferring funds from external accounts such as paypal or Cashapp.
  3. Report on the financial status of AAEC at Executive Committee meetings or as requested, at general body meetings.
  4. Present an “Annual Financial Report” at the Annual Business Meeting.
  5. Perform other duties and exercise such other powers as may be assigned

occasionally by the Chair or designee.

Section 6. Parliamentarian

A.) Ensure that general body and special meetings are conducted in an orderly fashion and in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

B.) Ensure that general body and special meetings are conducted orderly.

and according to parliamentary procedure in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

C.) Decide all questions of order at said meetings.

D.) Ensure that the Constitution and By-Laws are properly executed at

said meetings.


SECTION 1. Election of officers shall be held in March of every year. Special elections to fill vacancies which occur shall be held as necessary.

SECTION 2. Volunteers for elected offices shall not be considered without formal nomination by another council member.

SECTION 3. Officers (excluding who Chair who automatically assumes office) shall be elected from members of the AAEC at the last regular meeting in the academic year. Verbal nominations for all other officer positions may be made by any member of the AAEC while the floor is open for nominations. The nominee must agree to the nomination. A nominee must receive a majority of votes to be elected as an officer.

SECTION 4. The nominee(s) on each ballot receiving the majority of votes shall be elected. In case of a tie, a run-off election will be held. Should the run-off election result in a tie, the Executive Committee shall, by majority vote select the representative.


Committee Descriptions

Faculty Affairs Committee:

Assist with all aspects of retention, tenure, merit and promotion for full and part time faculty at APSU. Duties and responsibilities include building connections and a sense of community across departments among African American faculty; provide orientation, mentorship and guidance related to successful employment at the university; be a safe, productive space to process departmental or programmatic concerns impacting fair and ethical hiring and retention of qualified candidates; and produce one annual training or workshop relevant to the current needs and trends of African American faculty in higher education.


Staff Affairs Committee:

Responsible to promote community and a spirit of collaboration for African- American/black staff; provide networking opportunities and guidance related to successful employment at the university; participate in training workshops focused on inclusion and retention; and foster communication that highlights diversity and excellence. In addition, the committee will work collectively to learn and address challenges while supporting the mission of the AAEC.


Student Affairs Committee:

Responsible for the role of liaison between the council and the student affairs department. The Student Affairs Committee has the responsibility of staying aware of any student affairs policy or policy changes that may affect our African American faculty, staff, and students while developing opportunities to foster relationships with our student population by way of programming, support of student organizations, and retention initiatives.


Constitution and By-Laws Committee:

Responsible for the annual review and update of constitution and By-laws of the African American Employee Council.


Fund-Raising Committee:

Responsible for raising capital and operating funds necessary to fulfill and support initiatives created by the AAEC as they relate to Austin Peay State University African-American faculty/staff and students.