A. Floyd Scott
Professor/PI, Former Director of the David H. Snyder Museum of Zoology
Ph.D. - Auburn University (1976)
M.S. - Austin Peay State University (1967)
Contact Information
P.O. Box 4718
Clarksville, TN 37044
Office: SSC A135
Phone: 931-221-7776
Fax: 931-221-6372
E-mail: scotta@apsu.edu
Research Areas
Distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Tennessee.
Current Projects
Atlas of Amphibians in Tennessee
The basic component of this website is a static, digital version of Atlas of Amphibians in Tennessee published in 1996 by Austin Peay State University's Center of Excellence for Field
Biology. Also found on many of the species account pages are links to images of the
animal (not included in the original document) and, where appropriate, information
on taxonomic changes that have appeared in print since 1996, plus updated distribution
maps and bibliographic data on sources of new distribution records. Updates of information
on the site occur each quarter following publication of new distribution records in
the journal Herpetological Review.
Atlas of Reptiles in Tennessee
The Atlas of Reptiles in Tennessee website is a collection of distribution maps and other data for reptiles (including
crocodilians, turtles, lizards, and snakes) in Tennessee that complements the online
version of Atlas of Amphibians in Tennessee. Launched in May 2008, it includes accounts for all of Tennessee's documented native
reptilian species. Each accounts includes sections on taxonomy, distribution, museum
records by counties, literature records by counties, questionable and/or erroneous
records, and conservation status. Also included is an up-to-date Literature Cited
section that includes bibliographic information for all publications referenced in
the document. Updates of information on the site occur each quarter following publication
of new distribution records in the journal Herpetological Review.
Selected Publications
Ennen, J. R. and A. F. Scott. 2013. Home range characteristics and overwintering ecology of the stripe-necked musk turtle ( Sternotherus minor peltifer ) in middle Tennessee. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12:199-203.
Crabtree, T., D. Estes, and A. F. Scott. 2010. Agkistrodon piscivorous (Geographic Distribution). Herpetological Review 41:378-379.
Ennen, J. R. and A. F. Scott. 2008. Diel movement behavior of the stripe-necked musk turtle (Sternotherus minor peltifer) in middle Tennessee. American Midland Naturalist 160:278-288.
Davenport, J. M., J. R. Ennen, and A. F. Scott. 2005. New records for amphibians from counties in south-central Tennessee. Herpetological Review 36:209-210.
Petranka, J. W., C. K. Smith, and A. Floyd Scott. 2004. Identifying the minimal demographic unit for monitoring pond-breeding amphibians. Ecological Applications 14:1065-1078.
Bufalino, A. P. and A. F. Scott. 2003. The distribution of Nerodia erythrogaster in the lower Cumberland River basin of Kentucky and Tennessee. Herpetological Review 34:77-78.
Lindeman, P. V. and A. F. Scott. 2001. Over three decades of persistence of a small and apparently isolated population of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in a Kentucky reservoir. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4:206-208.
Scott, A. F., S. Sutton, and S. Williamson. 2000. New county records of amphibians and turtles from the western Highland Rim of central Tennessee. Herpetological Review 31:117-118.