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Executive Certificate in Healthcare Administration (ECHA)


The Executive Certificate in Healthcare Administration is a 12-hour certificate (4 courses) providing an executive style education to healthcare professionals in the Clarksville/Montgomery County and greater Nashville area. The Executive Certificate in Healthcare Administration can be completed in two consecutive eight-week sessions in the Fall or Spring semesters. Students will enroll in two classes for Session A and two classes for Session B.  Each session will start with a 3 day on-campus immersion where students will participate in lecture and group work with the faculty member.

Completion of the Executive Certificate in Healthcare Administration will allow the student to transition into the Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) that is currently offered through the Department of Health and Human Performance.  The certificate classes will count as four of the ten courses required for the MHA degree.

Why the Executive Certificate in Healthcare Administration (ECHA)?

This program

Admission Requirements

For information related to admission requirements or to view the courses within the program, please visit the graduate bulletin.  To apply for admission, click here.

Harned Building on Austin Peay State University campus