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Jonniann Butterfield

Jonniann Butterfield

Department Chair & Associate Professor

Sociology and Community Development

Ph.D. in Sociology from Florida State University

M.S. in Sociology from Florida State University

B.S. in Sociology from University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Butterfield is an associate professor of sociology. Her primary research interests include gender, sexualities and the family. She received a Ph.D. and M.S. in Sociology from Florida State University and a B.S. in Sociology from University of Pittsburgh.

Her primary research interests include gender, sexualities contemporary feminisms and the family.

Butterfield, Jonniann and Irene Padavic. 2014. "The Impact of Legal Inequality on Planned Lesbian Families." Gender and Society 28: 752-774.

Padavic, Irene and Jonniann Butterfield. 2011. "Mothers, Fathers, and Mathers: Negotiating a Lesbian Co-Parental Identity." Gender and Society 25:176-196.

Padavic, Irene and Jonniann Butterfield. "Mothers, Fathers, and Mathers: Negotiating a Lesbian Co-Parental Identity." 2014. Reprinted in The Kaleidoscope of Gender: Prisms, Patterns, and Possibilities, 4th ed, edited by Joan Z. Spade and Catherine G. Valentine.